LIVely Family, it has been a while! Quite honestly, there's been a whole lot going on in my life. A lot of change and most of it being completely unexpected. I've been so busy and trying to jungle my mental and emotional health all the while, which has caused me to take a step back from a lot of things.
Last time we spoke, I was telling you about how I had no idea what was next in my life. I'm sooo excited to say that that has changed! There are a few things happening in my life right now that I'm extremely excited to share... just not right now. 🙊😂
However, I will say that these things are a long time coming. Like I've been speaking these things into existence for years without even really realizing it. Those close to me know what's up (duhhh), but others have no idea. I'm typically a private person about things I'm pursuing. Truthfully, because I have a hard time trusting people and their intentions with me.
But anywayyyyyy, enough about all that. I'm here to talk to you about manifesting the life you desire! These goals I'm checking off are things I've wanted for a long time and there's a lot of manifestation that went into their fruition. For a long time I doubted the power of speaking things into existence. But time and time again, I'm proven that speaking positivity into your life will take you a long way. Let's talk about the formula I used to manifest the life I deserve.
Step one: Speak positive affirmations into your everyday life. What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are statements that proclaim greatness into areas of your life. An example of this is "I deserve a career in which I am happy and fulfilled," or "I am committed to allowing love to infiltrate my life in every way." These statement should be specific, measurable, and free of doubt. Try starting your day with saying these things out loud or even writing them in a journal.
Speaking of journaling, this is an important activity for me when manifesting. Journaling is a hobby that I took up a little over a year ago. I did a month long journaling challenge facilitated by one of my closest sorority sisters. That challenge really taught me that writing things down makes them a permanent part of your life. Journaling really allows you to discover so many things about yourself such as hidden desires, true thoughts & feelings, and so much more. I've gotten into the habit of journaling my goals and setting action plans to accomplish them. Journaling is ultimately what lead me to create Liv A Little Writing. I always knew I wanted to express myself but what journaling taught me, is that I also wanted to share those thoughts with the world and here we are today.
Next, BE SPECIFIC. When manifesting, being intentional is EXTREMELY important. For a long time I would say things like, "I need change in my life." But nothing ever came from that because that's not tangible. Change is super broad. What was it that I truly wanted to change? My job? My living situation? My location? My daily routine? Change can be implemented in any aspect of your life, but what exactly are you targeting? Be super specific with what you're manifesting. Instead of saying, "I want a new car" say "I want a black 2020 Range Rover with a sunroof," and then go and get it!
Once you decide those specific, tangible goals, speak your goals out loud. Tell the people close to you, who you know will support you through it all, what you are working toward. When you do so, remove words like "maybe" and "hopefully." Say your plans like they are already reality. There's nothing to question when speaking about the life that you desire!!! I never understood the theory behind this before. But when you say "maybe" that's really the reality; it may or may not happen. Why should you question the things you want? You should stand behind those thing 1000%. Those goals are already yours, SO SAY THEM WITH YOUR WHOLE CHEST!
When manifesting you should also be purposeful & intentional. Evaluate the actions you take and ask yourself, "is this putting me closer or farther from the goals I am trying to achieve?" Self evaluation is critical! Hold yourself accountable. Make sure that you are staying focused.
But also, be gentle with yourself. Working toward your goals sometimes can take a lot of time. Nurture yourself through the process and support yourself the same way you would support your friends and family through their dreams. And NO MATTER WHAT, believe in yourself and fight off those negative thoughts. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Nothing in this world is off limits to you. Like my favorite mantra, "If not you, then who?" There's literally no one better 👑
I hope these things help you all get one step closer to living your truest and happiest life. I know how hard it can be when it feels like the universe isn't working in your favor. Full transparency, the beginning of 2021 I felt like I was drowning. I was so lost. But I never let my faith waver and I stayed true to manifesting the life I truly deserved to live. 2022 is going to be full of new beginnings and positivity for me and I pray that you all experience the same sentiments.
Until our next chat,
Liv A Little ♡
Such a positive post … needed this